Roland Salz                                                                      
                                                                                                  CAS Maxima

Maxima Workbook

Maxima was developed from 1968-1982 at MIT (Massachusetts Insti-tute of Technology) as the first comprehensive computer algebra system (CAS). Allowing not only for numerical, but also symbolical computation, it was used by the leading US universities, by US Government institutions like the DOE, by the US Navy, or NASA. Having been enhanced and improved ever since, now Maxima is free (GPL) software and counts about 150.000 users worldwide. It is employed in education and research by mathematicians, physicists, engineers, and economists, and it still copes with the major commercial CAS’ of today. Since 2000 the software is maintained by an energetic group of volunteers called the Maxima team. The author wishes to thank its kind and helpful members, in particular Dr. Robert Dodier, who is in charge of the project, Gunter Königsmann, in charge of the frontend wxMaxima, as well as Prof. Richard J. Fateman and Dr. Stavros Macrakis, who participated in the original MIT project and have been contributing to Maxima ever since, for almost half a century now.

The intention of the Maxima Workbook is to provide a new documenta-tion of the CAS Maxima. It is aimed at both users and developers. As a users’ manual it contains a description of the Maxima language, here abbreviated MaximaL. User functions written by the author are added wherever he felt that Maxima’s standard functionality is lacking them. As a developers’ manual it describes a possible software development environment. Maxima is written in Common Lisp, so the interrelation between MaximaL and Lisp is highlighted. We are convinced that there is no clear distinction between a Maxima user and a developer. Any sophisticated user tends to become a developer, too, and he can do so either on his own or by joining the Maxima team.


This work is published under terms of the GNU GPL-3.0 license.

Copyright © Roland Salz 2018-2024

No warrenty whatsoever is given for the correctness or completeness of the information provided.

This project is work in progress. It is in the beginning phase. Comments and suggestions for improvement are welcome.





Die Seiten und ihre Inhalte sind urheberrechtlich geschützt! Copyright © Roland Salz 2000 - 2025

Version 18.1.2025

Impressum   Datenschutzerklärung

Maxima Brunsviga Rechenmaschine

Bild: © Roland Salz 2018